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Rediscovered a bunch of family photos

Published on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 5:18 PM - Rediscovered some family photos of the boys, Dawne. Kaitlyn, Devon, myself and the rest of the family. It’s great seeing old photos of much happier and better time for all of us. I miss. Dawnie. every second of every day, words can never describe, but it’s like to lose your best friend, partner companion, and your perfect matching puzzle piece. I miss her. Dawnie, would’ve been relentless in my recovery and rehab. Should be my greatest cheer cheerleader and push me to get better and stronger and healthier. She would’ve been with me every second and I would’ve wanted her to be with me every second and she’s the only person that I would’ve wanted to be there every second. I love her. I’m in love with her and I miss her. Dawnie, without a doubt I love you more. I will see you soon and I can’t wait. I miss you and I will dream of you. I promise.

5:18 PM 01/18/25