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It is crucial to address the serious implications of Heather Killebrew's actions, which have significantly contributed to my health crisis.

Published on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 8:34 AM - It is crucial to address the serious implications of Heather Killebrew's actions, which have significantly contributed to my health crisis. I suffered a major stroke that will result in a lifelong struggle to regain basic functions. The posting of my mugshot on her front door prompted immediate phone calls and deliveries aimed at its removal, which she refused. Each incident is meticulously documented in my phone's detailed billing records, which provided below, providing clear evidence that her actions directly led to my stroke. Moreover, her behavior has not only caused me distress but has also humiliated another individual, with assistance from the prosecution and law enforcement, as outlined in her email. It appears she may have violated Texas law by distributing that material. The evidence supports my claims regarding her persistent demand for details, a pattern she has consistently followed, but this time I stood my ground.

The repercussions of her actions have been profound. I have incurred significant costs due to her behavior, which has gone unchallenged until now. Heather's actions have been deceitful and dishonest, leaving me to cope with the consequences of a major stroke that has severely impacted my ability to function. The posting of my mugshot caused immediate distress, and the subsequent phone calls were merely attempts to ensure its removal, which did not happen. I have endured enough; her actions have directly resulted in my health crisis.

The stress and distress caused by Heather Killebrew's actions, particularly her refusal to return my belongings and the posting of my mugshot from September 7th to September 22nd, 2024, have directly contributed to my stroke. Her deceitful behavior has led to lifelong health challenges for me.

As a direct result of her actions, including the posting of my mugshot and the ensuing phone calls and deliveries, I have suffered a major stroke. I am now engaged in a challenging journey to regain basic functions, which will be a lifelong endeavor. The effects of the stroke, including loss of eyesight and brain damage, are significant and life-altering. I express my profound disappointment and frustration regarding the lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. The road to recovery is arduous and uncertain.

Heather Killebrew's actions, including the dissemination of false information and the posting of my mugshot, have caused immense distress and directly contributed to my stroke. The humiliation and stress triggered by these actions led to a series of events culminating in this medical emergency and lifelong battle.

8:34 AM 01/25/25